TOP QUALITY haircuts at blenz yucaipa barbershop
TOP QUALITY haircuts at
blenz yucaipa barbershop
blenz yucaipa barbershop
Looking for a barbershop near you located in Yucaipa, CA? See why locals have been trusting us for their haircuts, shaves, beard trims, line ups, hot towel shaves, fades, tapers, designs. colors and so much more! We have been serving the community for over 10+ years and now have our very own space because so many people trust us for their haircuts in Yucaipa and have wanted me to open a barbershop in Yucaipa. Stop on by anytime or schedule an appointment today.
34213 Yucaipa Blvd unit f,
Yucaipa, CA 92399
Tue - Sat: 9am - 6pm
Sun - Mon: Closed

These are starting prices for our basic services. We pride ourselves on providing quality haircuts and friendly service. If you have questions if we can provide you with the type of style or haircut or service you are looking for just give us a call, text, or send us a message and we will get back to you right away.
Beard Trim and line up $20
Eyebrows $10
Appointment Fee $7
Specialty haircuts Ask for quote
Blenz Barbershop Reviews
New best place in town! Very clean clean first time using Anthony and no where else I need to go. Definitely highly recommended if you’re looking for great quality haircut then give the new shop a chance

Anthony giving us top quality haircuts for the whole family! Nothing beats feeling and looking fresh. Thanks a lot and i have my go to barber here in Yucaipa now.

Great hair cut, clean shop, and a cool dude. Cuts me and my nephew and we both leave happy.

These are starting prices for our basic services. We pride ourselves on providing quality haircuts and friendly service. If you have questions if we can provide you with the type of style or haircut or service you are looking for just give us a call, text, or send us a message and we will get back to you right away.
Beard Trim and line up $20
Eyebrows $10
Appointment Fee $7
Specialty haircuts Varies
Blenz Barbershop Reviews
New best place in town! Very clean clean first time using Anthony and no where else I need to go. Definitely highly recommended if you’re looking for great quality haircut then give the new shop a chance

Anthony giving us top quality haircuts for the whole family! Nothing beats feeling and looking fresh. Thanks a lot and i have my go to barber here in Yucaipa now.

Great hair cut, clean shop, and a cool dude. Cuts me and my nephew and we both leave happy.
